
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Road Trip & Recovery

We're headed to Santa Barbra this weekend. Matt and I are taking a little get a way to unwind and relax before my surgery.

Don't worry, if you place orders on the shop they will still ship. Nina our administrative goddess will come to the rescue and ship all orders in a timely manner.

If you have read this blog then you know that entrusting Matt with post surgical care is a tricky endeavor. If not read here. But I am assured by friends and family that all will go smoothly. Matt's history of devil-may-care medical mishaps have branded him as one who can not monitor his spouses recovery alone. He loves me deeply but I just can't explain what comes over him at these times, really.

Trust me we are prepared this time. We have the Polar Care 300 a super sonic ice therapy machine that I get hooked up to that will freeze my shoulder to an appropriate temperature that will help with swelling, recovery and surely any hot flashes that might come up! I have a multitude of fetching sweatshirts and loose tops to pop over the shoulder dressing that I will be bundled in for God knows how long. I have books, movies and both my kids will be around me so I am sure that all will be well.

Though the it may not be this sunny this weekend I am sure we will have a great time! Talk to you soon...